The Insurance industry has got just about everything it asked for from the Government in terms of legal reform: raising the small claims limit to £10,000; fixed fees for most civil cases; a reduction in the amount of costs a negligent defendant has to pay someone has injured and the list goes on.
The motivating force for all this we were told was the cost to hard working families in having to pay increased motor insurance premiums.
These reforms will save the already staggeringly wealthy insurance industry millions of pounds. But has there been any commitment from insurers to reduce premiums?
The most that the ABI (Association of British Insurers) is willing to say is that they expect motor insurance premiums to come down by between 2% and 3%.
So where’s all the money going? Evening after knocking off the cost of all those teeth grindingly awful TV ads that still leaves a lot of money.
Nice time to be a shareholder in an insurance company, not so nice to be a “hard working family”. Still there’s always “Wonga”.